Monday, November 21, 2011

6 months already??

     It was 6 months ago yesterday that I saw that elusive postive test. 6 months.  It seems like it was just last month.  I think I have grown some since then. This month marks 4 years of trying. 4 long years. I cant believe that I could have a 3.5 year old if we had gotten pregnant on that first cycle. That just blows my mind. I know it will be all worth the wait, im just tired of waiting. I think I have done my fair share.

     I have made some great friends because of the loss. Some I hope that I never have to do without. I hate the way we were brought together, the common-ness of lossing what we longed for the most. But, we are together, slowly pushing through. I am glad I have them in my corner. I really don't know what I would do without them.